full-service farm management services
Wouldn't it be nice to have experienced, farm management professionals on your team to help tackle all of the challenges of running a citrus farming operation? Well, now you can! Sundance provides full-service farm management services, tailored individually for ranch owners who want expert management of their citrus crops. We can deploy dedicated citrus farming management professionals, to help your team navigate through any uncertainties during each growing season. Leverage our expertise as a grower of multiple citrus varieties and see measurable results. Our professional management services are offered in San Diego, Madera, Fresno, Tulare, Kings, Kern and Ventura counties. We offer:
- Full service farm management for multiple citrus and avocado varieties.
- Pest Management Consulting
- Leasing
Sundance believes in establishing and cultivating long-term relationships with domestic and export clients. Because we are growers too, we know what you are looking for in a packing partner. Sundance reputation with handling many well known labels, give us a leg-up on accessing numerous markets across the globe. Sundance is a member of the following citrus industry associations:

Becoming a Sundance Grower
Sundance is the leading marketer of fresh organic citrus and avocados throughout the United States and in other locations around the world. As the "first name" in California organic citrus, the company is one of the leading distributors.Originally founded in 1971 Sundance has been a pioneer in the organic citrus and avocado market. As a Sundance grower, your Marketing Agreement with Sundance allows us to provide you with the benefits only an industry leader can provide - the strength behind the Sundance name and a growing investment in your future.
Why become a sundance grower?

Sweet Returns
Our growers enjoy competetive and consistent returns.

Service . . . It's Personal.
Our experienced Field Managers in your area provide personalized customer service

Our packing house in Oceanside, CA is state-of-the art.

We pack a tight ship...Every pound of citrus and avocadoes is accounted for.

Committed to You
Our egistration & certification department assists growers through the process of getting their fruit ready to sell.

Stay Current & Connected
We keep you up-to-date with quarterly newsletters and email updates
Jose Valdivia, Field Representative
Phone: (760) 945-9898
Fax: (760) 945-9899
Cell: (760) 801-2466
email: Jose@SundanceOrganics.com